martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010


In recent years the world has been one of the worst scourges known: terrorism. A general definition of terrorism is mentioned in Resolution 1269 of the Security Council of Unites Nations: "... a terrorist act is any act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian or any other person not taking direct part in hostilities in a armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do an act or refrain from doing so." However, how to understand this phenomenon? What are its implications?

In the first place, terrorism is a way open to all acts of violence, degrading and intimidating, and applied without any moral reservation or concern. From September 11 there has been a revival of terrorism, within the concept of National and International Security, the Terrorism recovers importance, and it is seen as the enemy of the world. An enemy that is willing to strike at any time to any country or person indiscriminately in order to achieve their aims.
In the second place, terrorism can be understood as a kind of war. War in the wider sense, can be understood as a clash between two or more entities to achieve specific purposes. In the internal civil wars are two ideologically contrasting parts within the same state they come into constant conflict. Related to the phenomenon of terrorism, war plays a major role as many of the terrorist acts related to civil and ethnic wars in defense of an ethnic group or simply an ideology to destabilize the country or enemy group.
Generally, the contemporary terrorist act is carried out by a dissident group, rather than a particular country. The best example is the attacks are September 11, called Tuesday black in America. This completely revolutionized the systems of defense and national security of the country, generating a change in the political system and how to receive inputs to the demands and fear of people.
Among the most important implications of terrorism is the psychological terror that occurs in countries where it operates. It has often been said that terrorism seeks to kill a few to terrorize many. The objective of warfare is to conquer a territory or knock out an enemy unit, i.e. physical targets. The purpose of terrorism is in contrast to terrorize a population to force a government to act in certain ways, a psychological purpose. You could say that the psychological effects are greater than the physical, with the exception of acts of attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.
Every day we see the other implication of terrorism, the death of innocents. Continuously, the world is shaken with news of attacks produced in public, where innocent people are killed and completely unrelated to the war. Although the ends sought by this form of unconventional warfare may have a political, religious, in the pursuit of these, committing countless atrocities.

You could say that terrorism must be understood as the deliberate killing of innocent people haphazardly, with the immediate aim of spreading fear and terror throughout the population in order to achieve these policy objectives, ideological and religious. For example, the IRA or the Irish Republican Army dissidents, who are blamed for car bomb attack in Omaha in 1998 that left 29 dead, or ETA, which has killed over 800 people, including Spanish Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco, in 1973.
We can conclude that terrorism is not justified under any circumstances because there are peaceful means to resolve conflicts. Such violence threatens the greatest right we have as human beings: life. But terrorism also requires concrete actions by governments to eradicate as it is one of the biggest global problems, Not Only for USA, but for the rest of the world.
TERRORIST (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from
TERRORIST (n.d.). Website of Unities Nations. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from
The Dangerous Possibility of Islamic Terror in Sri Lanka. Website of Lankaweb. Retrieved November 15, from
History of terrorist. Website of; Retrieved November 15, 2010, from


“Globalization is a dynamic process which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, technology, and due to increased interdependence among countries around the word” Globalization produces the systematic unification of markets, societies and cultures; It as a result of the biggest chances in transportation costs, new technologies and global competition. Globalization effects are favorable and unfavorable, it depend what you think? One effect is that it promotes greater cultural homogeneity. A second effect is that changes the role of the government.

The transportation has come in the most efficient an inexpensive media to transport people and thing around the world. The rapid growth of globalization process was caused for this chance in the transportation costs, for example, sea transport is cheaper that other time. Global competition for new markets is other cause of globalization process. Nowadays, Japan and other Far East countries like Singapore, rapidly developed a number of technical advantages, based on improved manufacturing West methods. Those countries are coming into ever more direct competition for American Countries.

The new technology like Internet and cheap wide-band width international communication has been a new force that the growth of the globalization process. Nowadays, many design activities, business decisions, and complex transaction like manufacturing and software development are doing independent of specific locations. Those are possible for the globalization process.
For example, transnational corporations had become a global system in this globalization times. They corporation can respond instantly, for global questions or problems, from thousands of miles away them original countries. Those are possible because the Internet and other new technologies having the world more small of the time.
The results of globalization are positive or negative. From the perspective of business, it is a process to improve the worldwide economic integration, and this is good for Business. Economies of scale, increased production on the average cost of production, and; consequently, more money for the companies are good news for everybody. I know, it has many opportunities to make money for us, increase production and open new markets for companies, and a as result, more people in our countries can buy things, at an affordable price.
But other expert said: “globalization increases the gap between the rich and poor. “…this gap is especially pronounced in Latin-American, and for this reason, many people are unfavorable a globalization process. For example, “68% of the Brazil’s population survived on less than $100 U.S. per mouth. The problem is this process is an inevitable and irreversible process.


GLOBALIZATION (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 25, 2010, from

GLOBALIZATION. (2010, May 24). Globalization meaning. Retrieved from

GLOBALIZATION. Website of; Retrieved November 15, 2010, from

Consequences of globalization. Website of; Retrieved November 15, 2010, from

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


When you open your newspaper, and see the news, all the time, you can read about some driver was drunk, the kind of driver so driving that his blood-alcohol concentration[1] (BAC)—the percentage of alcohol in his blood—was more than Costa Rica legal limit at the time of 0.75 percent. Most of the time, those drivers got behind the wheel of them cars and produced many accident, for example, crashing head-on into another cars or people that walked down a suburban street. The collision result, most time, in hundreds of death, causing a children, women and adults. In other cases, it causes injuries a dozen others, mostly as a result of collateral collision.

Sometime, the person, or people, that caused the accident not recollection that it had caused the deaths of other people until it woke up in a hospital bed the following morning with minor injuries. They were subsequently convicted of drunken driving, and for the death of other people. As a result, was sent to the jail, where it served a few year sentences. Many people are agree with me, we believe in the drunk drivers deserved a more severe sentence for them crimes.

This fact is a testament to how much the public’s attitude toward drunk driving has changed, currently the drunk driving involving in fatal alcohol-related crashes was perceived as criminal behavior. I believe in the harsher jail sentences and penalties for drunken divers, for two main reasons:

The first reason is, because those jail sentences and penalties are work. For example, in USA, after the law the National Minimum Drinking Age was signed (1984), show alcohol related fatalities declining 36% between 1982 and 1997, according data from Department of Transportation. The law mandated that states raise their minimum drinking age to twenty-one or lose federal highway funds. States also instituted tougher penalties for drunk drivers, such as mandatory jail terms for first-time offenders and on-the-spot driver’s license suspensions for those failing or refusing to take a breath test

The second reason is mandatory jail sentence help decrease the instances of drunk driving, as a result, helps for the prevention of fatal accidents. Obviously, that is not enough, is necessary the prevention of this accident advocates focused on changing law to lower the level at which drivers are presumed to be legally intoxicated. It was based on their blood-alcohol concentration (BAC)

Primarily determined by breath tests administered by police officers during traffic stops, BACs indicate the level of impairment drivers may be experiencing due to the percentage of alcohol in their blood
[4]. The new Costa Rica traffic law established that the BAC is lower 0.08 percent. BAC limit favored by prevention advocates, in the newspaper “LA PRENSA LIBRE”, said: “Authorities said traffic in that sense the reform of the traffic law is one of the most important factors that have contributed to the decline in deaths; it coupled with awareness campaigns and outreach efforts by the Ministry that including, currently, information fairs in different communities across the country to guide and educate the general population”[5].

I agree that there should be zero tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol. A mandatory jail sentence would send a clear message that it is unacceptable behavior, although somebody believes drunk driving is not a crime. In many cases, those people had given money to court and receiving only few years for them crimes and they repeat those accidents again

There drivers are not victims, it does not happen accidentally, even is as result of bad decisions or driving alcohol. If the punishment for this crime is harsher, those people would think a bit more and decide against getting behind a wheel and being irresponsible. Jail sentences are usually effective in frightening people away from doing certain things.
[7] It is because; people with criminal records have fewer job opportunities and limited futures, even those drunk drivers do not consider themselves criminals, a jail sentence would re-frame the way the public thinks about drunk driving is serious social problem[8]. Is not important how are weapons you could be used in a crime, gangs or cars are the same in this case, and need to take seriously. Moreover, many drinkers who might get a driving under influence of alcohol need to consider driver drinking are a criminal offense and force them consider the consequences more seriously[9].

I am convinced that a jail sentences in traffic law will send a message to the public that drunk driving is a criminal act that simply will not be tolerated. The hard consequences of driving while legally intoxicated involved tough penalties such as mandatory jail terms, heavy fines, license suspensions, and even the confiscation of motor vehicles, the issue of a new Costa Rica traffic law has serious implications for drivers. Enormous gains have been made against drunk driving over the past years and have created the general impression that drunk driving is largely under control.


Drug Prohibition (n.d.), in Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from

Blood Alcohol Content (n.d.), in Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from

[1] Meaning take from:
[2] Take from:
[3] Take from:
[4] Take from:

[5] Take from:
[6] Take from:
[7] Take from:
[8] Ídem.
[9] Ídem.


The term "ethnic conflict" is a review a wide variety of conflicts around the world. Some mavens argue that ethnic conflict itself does not exist, for these experts the ethnic wars are due to social, economic and political problems between groups that identify each other along ethnic lines: color, race, religion, language, national origin. Often such ethnicity may hide other distinguishing characteristics, such as class interests and political power, which, when analyzed, may prove the most important elements of the conflict.

However, when ethnic differences are used consciously or unconsciously to distinguish between adversaries in a particular war, ethnicity effectively becomes a factor in the nature and dynamics of conflict. In a review of the nations at war for 1998, that a total of 120 conflicts in the world, 66 were domestic, 36 of them could be described as "wars of state formation"; it is a conflict involving a government and an opposition group that calls for autonomy or secession for a particular region and its ethnic composition.

In recent times, the world has seen reduce the number of multinationals wars, however, it has seed increased the number of ethnic conflicts, particularly in Third World countries. Another study indicates that "the massacres carried out by States members of ethnic and political groups representing more casualties than all other combined forms of deadly conflict ... on average, have been killed by the state between 1.6 and 3.9 million civilians in each of the decades since the end of World War II ... " The reasons or causes underlying ethnic conflicts are often very complex and difficult to identify., but, we note two main reasons.

The first reason lies in the establishment of most modern states. The nation-state model is inspired by the European nationalism of the XVIII - XIX and led the way for the creation of American states, and, later, the African nations. Many ethnic conflicts occur because the integrative model of the nation-state is in contradiction with the social and ethnic identity of subordinate groups or minority.

The ensuing conflict can manifest itself in different forms, from individual attitude characterized by rejection, exclusion and hostility accompanied by stereotypes, prejudices, intolerance and discrimination at the level of interpersonal relationships, political action through institutional and secessionist movements, to the violent confrontations that can take the form of riots, massacres, genocide, riots, rebellions, revolutions, terrorism, civil war, wars of national liberation and war between states. Cultural genocide or ethnocide that often accompanies such conflicts are frequent in many countries around the world.

Neighboring countries can be easily induced to intervene in an ethnic conflict for their own reasons of state policy. For example, both Iran and Iraq have supported the Kurdish struggle against the state in the neighboring country; however, have been accused of repressing the Kurds in their own territory. India has accused Pakistan of supporting militant nationalist movement in the Punjab Sikh and a Muslim rebellion in Kashmir for its own geopolitical reasons. International comparisons of situations where ethnic conflicts occur denote the existence of recurring problems that give rise to ethnic mobilization and are the root cause of many ethnic conflicts.

The second reason is mainly due to vested interests. In hierarchical systems of interethnic relations, ethnic conflicts occur between groups that share relatively equal in wealth and power, one or more of the groups feared or perceived that their position relative to other ethnic group tends to deteriorate. These problems are linked to the distribution of resources and power, the question of land (reserves, colonization, immigration, and other); even more than language, religion, cultural identity, and discrimination based on race or color.

However, it can be argued that most cases of ethnic conflicts in the world occur in hierarchical systems of interethnic relations. In these systems, ethnic groups are ranked on a scale of power, prestige and wealth and located, generally in a subordinate position in relation to others, but what is most important, in the center of power and State apparatus are controlled to a greater or lesser extent, by a dominant ethnic group, leaving the subordinate ethnic group or ethnic groups in a situation of marginalization.

The major ethnic conflicts of the eighties, among which we mention: Northern Ireland, Eritrea, Burundi, South Africa, Western Sahara, Nicaragua, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, India and East Timor, were reminiscent of the ethnic conflicts that occurred earlier in Nigeria, Pakistan and Canada, involving not only a confrontation between ethnic groups but also between such groups and the State ethnocratic or state controlled by a dominant ethnic group.

The participation of major powers has increased as there have been many ethnic conflicts in the world. United States consistently support the Christians conflict in Lebanon, the Miskito’s against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, the government of Sri Lanka against the Tamil insurgency, the Philippine government against the Moors and the tribal rebellions, the Ovambo against the government of Angola and the Hmong against the government of Vietnam, among others. By early 1990, three Soviet Baltic republics declared independence unilaterally and received expressions of sympathy and understanding of the West, the same countries who fail the independence of the Basques, the Northern Irish, and the citizens of Quebec or Puerto Rico.

The persistence of such conflicts during relatively long and intense violence that may accompany them, has led some observers to distinguish between the "conflict of interest" and the "conflict of values" or "identity conflicts", the former are easier to negotiate or resolve than the latter. Ethnic conflicts are usually the second kind, in which the goals or objectives of the parties in conflict tend to be mutually exclusive or incompatible, and therefore much more difficult to resolve.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


Globalization is an economic, technological, social, and cultural, due to increased communication and interdependence among countries in the world, which produces the systematic unification of markets, societies and cultures. “This occurs through a series of social, economic and policies that give its global character. Globalization is often identified as a dynamic process of open economies and borders, as a result of increased trade, capital movements, the movement of people and ideas, dissemination of information, knowledge and techniques, and a process of deregulation. This process, both geographically and sectorally, is not recent, but has accelerated in recent years (Globalization meaning) ”. Globalization has helped to spread some of the deadly infectious diseases endemic to human beings on a global scale for two reasons.

The first reason is the transportation. In the edge of globalization, the world is more dependent than ever and transportation, was once a barrier, has become in the most efficient and inexpensive media to unite people and countries; which has left few places inaccessible to trade . The increase in this global trade, especially agricultural, and animal’s products, has been a greater contact between people and animals. Because of this, animal diseases, various types of influenza, and similar infectious diseases have jumped species barriers (such as avian or Swine influenza) .

The Globalization has produced consequences adversely, in terms of health and environment . The improvements in transportation that are a facet of globalization have also made it possible for the rapid spread of infectious diseases around the globe. One example of this, is thee rapid advance of a deadly form of pneumonia (SARS), when spread from China throughout the globe. “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS commonly abbreviated) is an atypical pneumonia that first appeared, in November 2002 in Guangdong Province, China. It spread to neighboring Hong Kong and Vietnam, in late February 2003 and then to other countries via air travel by infected people or land. The disease has a mortality rate of global average near 15%.”

The second reason is consequence of the other, “the World Tourist.” Travel, trade, and international tourism, have grown extensively and provide efficient transport for pathogens and their vectors. They also increase the exposure of humans to "new" diseases, to which they have little or no resistance. Those infectious diseases are caused by the presence and activity of one or more agents including pathogenic like viruses, bacteria, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and others . Etiology , recognizes that these diseases are transmitted by different ways including direct or indirect contact, ingestion (in water or food), transmission of human fluids; inhalation of airborne particles, transmission by vectors such as mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, and others . As humans began traveling over seas and across lands, which were previously isolated, research suggests that diseases have been spread by all transmission ways .

The geographical boundaries, which previously had these diseases has been disappearing through history. The first global infectious diseases that spread in the world (then known) came from Asia to Europe; it is the bubonic plague (of deliveries to the Romans in the second century AD). In modern times, various types of influenza, as the Spanish flu, which killed 20 million people, after the First World War, and infectious diseases like SARS, 2003 influenza are just some examples of this deadly disease .

In many countries (especially poorest), what little resources they have is not enough to care health issues, because it leaves these countries are open to diseases that spread due to the lack of proper health-care systems, and of the appropriate technology needed to produce clean water and a sufficient food supply to stave off such sicknesses. New strains of old diseases with different immunological characteristics, more virulent, and different reactions to antibiotics; are often responsible for new outbreaks of these diseases. Germs can suddenly emerge as new threats of disease to acquire the ability to initiate new infections and diseases, or to alter the human host's natural ability to mount an adequate immune defense. Examples, include influenza, cholera, tuberculosis, and others. The greatest fear of man is that these negative effects of globalization, producing a global pandemic to end the human race.


GLOBALIZATION (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from

INFECTIOUS DISEASE (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from

SARS (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from

SWINE INFLUENZA (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from

GLOBALIZATION. (2010, May 24). Globalization meaning. Retrieved from

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010


“Migration is the introduction of new people into a population ” of animals, plants or humans. Nowadays, it is an actually topic, because it is several social and economic problem for many countries around the world. It has two different categories: the economic migration and the forced migration . The first one “refers to someone who has emigrated from one nation to another, for the purposes of seeking employment or improved economic situation. ” The second one “refers to someone who is forced to emigrate from one nation to another, from violence, coercion and compelling political reasons, or other forms of duress; rather then from a voluntary action. ”

In the first cause, economic immigrant migrated for labors, family reunification or marriage . Those people looking for better economic opportunities abroad in the new country. For many experts, this group has the potential role for to reducer poverty, especially Absolute Poverty, in the original home countries. It is because the significant impact that financial remittances and others benefits, that it can have on their countries of origin .

In the second cause, forced immigrant encompass the more poignant vulnerabilities associated with international movements, especially where it involves women and children . Despite perceptions to the contrary, the percentage of it is smaller that other kind of immigrants; they are called “Refugees and Asylum-seekers.” The refugees migrants are the most vulnerable, marginalized and best-know group within forced migration. On the other hand, the reasons for Asylum-seekers migration are “war, violence, and chaos, in own countries. ” Asylum-seekers are unable or unwilling to return to their home because they cannot have effective protection in their.

In 2009, there were 20 million refugees around the world, mainly in Africa. Ten million under the responsibility of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and this category of immigrant make up 7% every year. Unlike economic migrant, who tend to gravitate toward developed regions, on estimated 90 percent of all refugees currently live in developing countries . Most part of those people is from poor countries, and they need too many support assistant for basic necessities like food, housing, clothing, health service and education.

For those reasons, the condition for forced immigrants is really hard, these are far worse than economic migrant. They are living, most of them, in absolute poverty, particularly the refugees from African countries. Economic opportunities and other benefits are not for their people; a major issue is that the poorest people and countries profit the least from remittances . For example, Sub-Saharan Africa region received only 2% of all remittance flow in 2005 . That people from this poorest region, have the most difficulty migrating, earning and remitting funds from abroad. In conclusion, the
forced migrants are the most vulnerable immigrant in the world.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


Poverty is a major issue in the world nowadays. Warfare and poverty are two of the largest cancers that humanity suffers, and unfortunately the first one is both cause and effect of the other. Just as cancer have many causes and consequences, also the poverty. But there are ways to combat poverty.

The definition of poverty has a relationship of two categories: Absolute poverty and relative poverty. The first meaning refers to the socioeconomic condition in which people lack sufficient income to obtain basic necessities required to life, such as food, housing, clothing, health service and education. Absolute poverty is far worse than relative poverty because they could quite possible not have a house or food to live, such as for everyday survival. Whereas relative poverty refers to the condition in which one can not afford that is considered a normal standard of living.
[1] As a result, some things considered “basic possession” for normal life in some countries, are considered “luxury” in other poorer place around the world. For example, one is guilty, because I have hot water and for other living in poverty this basic possession (hot water) is a luxury. This complex issue has not only one cause or effect, is more correct to say “cycle of poverty”, because the effects are on the causes, and vice versa.

In the first place, it is a killer issue, the biggest causes for death in the world. Many people have died because of the lack of food. Every year nearly 11 million children living in poverty die before their fifth birthday. Approximately 1.02 billion people go to bed hungry each night, 17.64% of the world’s population (calculated about 6.8 billion people)
[2]. Even, poverty has caused death of millions because of the lack of medicine and unsanitary living conditions of poor people. Hunger, disease, and less education describe a person in poverty. One third of deaths (some 18 million people a year or 50,000 per day) are due to poverty-related causes. Most of them women and children have died as a result of poverty since 1990[3].

In the second place, poverty has raised the rate of crime, because of the lack of essential items people need for survival (especially food). Those people live with fear, especially for their children. This fear is caused because many people without money or food will resort to violence to be able to survive everyday life. Too many kids were born into poverty will not be living to see the age of 25 years. It also was caused for hunger across the world. Poor people spend a greater portion of their budgets on food, and for this reason poor households can be particularly vulnerable to increases in food prices. “For example in late 2007 increases in the price of grains led to food riots in some countries. The World Bank warned that 100 million people were at risk of sinking deeper into poverty

In the third place, poverty increases healthy diseases. People in poverty are exposed to crowded living conditions which result in an increased exposure to contagious and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases run rampant in poverty stricken areas. Poverty increases the risk of homelessness. There are over 100 million street children worldwide. Increased risk of drug abuse may also be associated with poverty
[5]. Those living in poverty suffer lower life expectancy. According to the World Health Organization, hunger and malnutrition are the single gravest threats to the world's public health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases. As a result, women who have children born in poverty can not nourish their children efficiently with the right prenatal care[6]. They may also suffer from disease that may be passed down to the child through birth. For example, the Asthma is usual problem children acquire when born into poverty.

For poverty to be a complex problem, the solutions are also alike. The first solution is donating money. Its simplest form is a basic income grant, providing citizens with money for care about basic necessities. Another solution is to increase micro finance projects, made famous by the Grameen Bank
[7]. These projects consist of small amounts of money for poor people (mostly women) to start small businesses. With these capital gains they can obtain economic rewards to support their families. Finally, one of the best ways to help the poor is to cancel the external debt of these countries, at least for the poorest. If poor countries do not have to spend so much on debt payments, they can use the money instead for priorities which help reduce poverty and may well provide basic health-care and education to their people[8].


Global Issues (2010, October 10). Causes of Poverty. Retrieved October 10, 2010, from Global Issues website: (2010, October 10). Poverty Essays. Retrieved October 10, 2010, from 123helpme website: http://

Fight Poverty (2010, October 10). Causes of Poverty. Retrieved October 10, 2010, from Fight Poverty website:

Poverty in Wikipedia (2010, October 10). Retrieved October 10, 2010, from http://

[1] Original meaning from: I check ideas for a new meaning.
[2] Take from:
[3] Take from
[4] Take from:
[5] Take from:
[6] Idem.
[7] Take from:
[8] Take from:

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010


Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

“A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a kind of weapon that can kill a large number of humans, usually cause great damage to man-made structures, natural structures, or the biosphere in general” Normally the term is most widely used for nuclear, biological or chemical weapons and is not a new term. It is because; it was first used in 1937 to describe the effects to Germany’s Blanket-Bombing, used in the aerial bombardment of Guernica, Spain (used in the London Times newspaper in referent to this war). Of course, all we know the power of nuclear weapons, but for what the nations use the WMD and what can do to stop the proliferation of it?

During the Cold War period (1946-1991), Americans lived with the prospect of a nuclear war between USA and Russian. In school, the children needed to participate in “duck and cover” drills that simulated what to do in case of nuclear attack. The military said: Is for strategy or for prevent the soviet attack. You know, the first reason to proliferation or to use WMD is for prevent possible attack of the enemies.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, fears diminished for a few time. The news confrontations are hostile countries shitted to so-called rogue states like Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Syria. In addition, many terrorist groups, like Al-Qaida have direct or indirect support to their nations. The September 11 attacks by Al-Qaida and the anthrax scared in months it only improve the global fear.

In result of this condition in the National security Agenda the main actions are third. First, rogue states have or are seeking to possess WMD. Second, rogue states provide direct and indirect support to terrorist groups like Al-Qaida, and third, rouge states with WMD are likely to provide terrorist groups. Thus, in order to prevent this third situation, the government of USA, invaded Iraq in 2003. Consequently, the second reason for proliferation and use WMD is “the fear”. You know the End of this War, after conquering Iraq; Americans discovered that Iraq had not WMD.

Because of the damage of these weapons, a number of treaties have been established to control the proliferation of WMD. Although there are not formal treaties for fining the use of nuclear weapons, these are only for stop the proliferation for USA and Russian. Those treaties aimed at limiting the production and spread of nuclear weapons. For several reason WMDs<>

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010


Ms. Silvia Castro

Chancellor of the University


Dear Ms. Castro:

I would like to thank you for the organization of the Globalization Week. Students had the opportunity to learn more about the effects, challenges of globalization in different fields, including: psychology, sociology, dentistry and business, to name just a few. It is through activities such as the ones you organized that learning is fostered in an entertaining and different way.

I think this week was a very interesting tour through the different presentations, for example, the CMS (Content Management Systems) that it is a piece of software that will allow you to control and manage the content within a web site.

This presentation was very appealing, but a little boring because of the format. The speaker, he had a problem with his voice, because he spoke very low and barely understood. However, in general enjoy a lot this week.

I think it was very appropriate that each faculty organize an activity, as well, were excellent, for in this case you having different approaches to the same topic, also from different perspectives. Thanks to you and your team for making the Globalization Week a real and meaningful event.

Truly yours, Jose Castillo Navarro

English IV

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010


Global warming is a popular topic nowadays. It is literally an increase in the Earth`s average temperature, in the near-surface air and oceans since the 20th century. It is bought by the accumulation of greenhouse gases, because those gases allow sunlight to enter the Earth but prevent heat form escaping it. Therefore it is very important to know how is and it caused and effected. Consequently what can to do for reduce the “Greenhouse Effect”

In the first place, the global warming is caused by several diseases such as pollution from factories, carbon dioxide from rotting trees, burning of fossil fuels and other causes. Unfortunately, the power plants need this fossil fuels for produce electricity but they contribute to produce global warming even worse, because it produce more greenhouse gases.

In the second place, greenhouse gases are harmful to our environment because they are a mayor source of air pollution. Much of theses gases cause very serious health diseases; for example, respiratory diseases like asthma, allergies, coccidiodomycosis, heart disease, also chronic lung, among others.

You know this is a big problem, but what to do for reduce those effect even the causes? You can help to stop when you recycle. Recycling glass, plastic and aluminum uses les electricity that if these materials were to be made brand new. You need to try use less a car, and walk more often or if it is a long trip, you can take the bus. You could install solar hot water systems, this is possible for you. I know this problem need national policity and government intervention but you can do those things, let is take action now!


Red Cross Movement

The third article of the Universal Declaration of human rights said: ¨Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person¨[i] when we speak of humanitarian movements; the first thing I remember is the Red Cross, because it protects the life of the people. It is a noble non-profit institution, dedicated to saving lives every day. We have all been helped, directly or indirectly by this institution and sometimes we forget that it needs our help.

How can we help? Here are some ways you can help, and get involved with the Red Cross, por example, given your money, time and blood. You have the power to make a difference in someone's life. All you have to do is make a contribution. Every donation helps provide services to those in need. You can make a difference every day. You can help comfort victims of a house fire or teach a pet first aid class. Whether you are interested in community services, international services, disaster services or any of the other lines of services in the Red Cross, you'll find something that fits your niche.

You can help prevent-life threatening reactions of patients. Donor blood must be compatible with the recipient's blood, and it is very likely that a donor within the same racial/ethnic group will be a better match. You can make a difference every day. No matter what your interests are, you'll find something that you enjoy at the Red Cross. Become an employee and see first hand how we work together to provide relief and help save lives.

The work it performs is based in the seven principles of the Red Cross International. They are proclaimed in Vienna in 1965, they guarantee the continuity of the Red Cross movement and its humanitarian work. They principles are: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary, Unity and Universality.

The movement was born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. It is independence to the all governments, no matter they are National or International.

The Voluntary service relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. The unity is meaning, those can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. It movement are , in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

These principles represent the commitment of an institution and its personnel with all mankind. It is a commitment to service, to sacrifice and total dedication to other. Therefore, we must collaborate, because any donation we can to give for the Red Cross, we make for ourselves and our families. I have donated blood; I've also worked to buy a "ticobingo." But our help can go any nurse, participating in support groups that each local Red Cross. The humanitarian work the Red Cross developed is wonderful.


Red Cross principles. (2010, Sept 12). Retrieved from

Red Cross information. (2010, Sept 12). Retrieved from

Rights, U. D. (2010, Sept 12). Retrieved from


[i]Retrieved from

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010


Hello. My name is Jose Castillo. I am 32 year old. I live in Pavas, San Jose, but the end of the month I will go to Miraflores Heredia for my new House. It's excitative because is my first house (I hope that the first of many). All my life I have lived in Pavas, which is known as a dangerous place to live. However, by living so long in one place, get into it and try to avoid danger. But I want something better for my children and my future wife that is why after so many years I'd rather go to try their luck in Heredia.

When I was a child was not so dangerous, I remember that one could walk around the neighborhood without fear of being robbed or killed. I myself went to school in Villa Esperanza and the teachers were excellent. They always worried and tried to teach us to learn the value of the study.

When one is poor one must understand that only through education can be grow up in the life. My father always told me the money, property or other things he couldn’t give me (maybe debt), but all that could help to study and draw my career I would do it. And he always kept his promise.

My parents are educated with strong values, Christians and taught us the value of work and become someone well in life. That everything good and valuable cost. However, at times I forgot and committed several errors. When I was in school I forgot his teachings and I met with bad companies. The so-called friends urged me to steal, lie and get out of school. I ignored them and I lost a year of high school (fourth year). That really hurt, because I wanted to go to college and graduate faster, but had lost my own decisions a year.

I left school and started working on a distribution of clothing and I had to help the house as punishment, then, to lose a year of school. My father told me later that it was to learn the value of money. I think my parents' favorite saying is "Everything in life takes a cost." This was my first job, then work on Mac Donald's for three years, until 2000. During the 5 years I dedicated myself to own a small business we have in Limon Centro in the German spring. Souvenirs are to sell to tourists who come on cruise ships with permission from JACDEVA. In the years I got tired of traveling and look for a job in San Jose. Finally I was offered employment in the Group Santa Barbara as an assistant grocery, where he worked until today.

Personally, I think by the grace of God has been very good. I have health, work, a nice house and above all a beautiful woman who loves me and that I love. I hope I can be a good husband and who can give you the love that she deserves with the help of God.